1·Iron ore deposits in upper reach of Yangluhe river are situated in the west Calidonian fold belt of the west Qilianshan mountain.
2·The paper interprets the Chongqing-Heishui gravity profile traversing the Dazu high gravity gravity field and the Longmen Mountains fold belt.
3·The Formation of the salt tectonics in the Kuqa foreland fold belt may be controlled by compression, gravitational gliding and gravitational spreading.
4·The study area is located in the east of Yinshan with complex structure, joined the Neocathaysian structural system Daxing'anling fold belt at bump contact.
5·Chaidam Basin locates in the triangle region that consists of Aerjin mountain, Qilian mountain and Kunlun mountain fault fold belt in the earth structure of China.
6·Erlian basin, a cluster of rift lake basins in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras developed on the base of the Hercynian fold belt, consists of 50 sags in different scale.
7·Qinling fold belt is located at the junction of the North China plate and the Yangtze plate, and its portion in Henan Province is a part of the East Qinling Mountains (EQM).
8·The sole gem marialite deposit in China is located at the western foot of Mount Muztagh, Akto County, Xinjiang, which is tectonically belongs to the Central Famirs fold belt.
9·In Mesozoic, the Proterozoic Sulu fold belt has undergone orogenic activization resulting in the intrusion of numerous granite bodies with broad development of metasomatic rocks.
10·Fold the belt in half the long way, with wrong sides folded inward.